Wednesday 29 February 2012

My AH HA moments!

So I know it has been awhile since my last post, but like everyone else in the faculty, I have been quite busy! I have also been working on a side project which in in accordance with my T2P - check it out! :D YAY for shameless advertising!

On to multiliteracies! As my post title states, I had an "AH HA!" moment during our last lecture. It seems that I was caught up in the use of technology with this class and did not look at the big picture: that multiliteracies is simply teaching and evaluating English course work in a manner that is not just reading a book or writing an essay. To others, this may be their "DUH!" moment, but as someone whose high school English experience was as far from differentiated as possible, and about as old school as it can get, this is a novel idea to me (no pun intended); so just let me go with it.

 As I begin to prepare for my second placement, in an English classroom, I am beyond eager to apply all that I have learned and see how the students react! After meeting my new Associate yesterday (who is AMAZING!), I have come to realize that what I would like to have them do may be too far out of their comfort zone. So, how do I plan on dealing with this issue you ask? Why a survey, of course! (AH HA moment #2!) By asking my students during my observation week how easy it is for them to access the internet, how familiar they are with blogs, their level of comfort with things like group work, class presentation, dramatic presentations, reading aloud, and Web 2.0 sites like Animoto and Glogster, I can create units that will enable them to succeed (while giving them a break from the chapter questions coma!).

Given that English is the one course in high school that is mandatory for all four years, I feel it is extremely important to make the students want to attend and actually enjoy their time there! When first faced with the daunting task of combining curriculum expectations with fun at the beginning of the year I would have said "Impossible!" but now I can confidently say "Definitely possible!"


  1. Kristine,

    Your optimism is inspiring. I think it is great that you plan to use all of the resources that we have gathered this whole year in our English classes. I wish that I would have had this multiliteracies class before my English placement in October.

    I would love for you to make a blog post (or twitter post) on how your students received all of this technology. I, too, made a blog with a class literacy survey to see how it goes.

    It is just interesting how we can "try" to take on the daunting task of making English match with fun. Remember that even if you can change one or two students opinions about English and if you have fun while you're doing it, it is mission accomplished!

    1. Hey Deb,
      I will definitely blog about how the class reacts! Hopefully well! :D I am also interested in creating an individual blog for each class to post updates, homework, assignments, class readings, etc, as well as allow them the opportunity to ask questions to myself and their peers via the comments section. I'm hoping my AT is up for all of this modern stuff!

      And thank you for the reminder - I do not have to change the world! Just maybe a few minds :)

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